Below please find a list of references

Please let us know if you would like contact information for any of them.

Lender References

Bank OZK
(formerly Bank of the Ozarks): Greg Garner, SVP

Classic Bank, Gary Pietsch, SVP

Affiliated Bank, Josh Burleson, SVP

Texas Realty Capital, Matt Counts, Partner

Business Relationship References:


Thrive, F.P., J.P. Newman, President Partner

LDG Development, Mark Lechner, Partner Partner

Patrick Rose, Corridor Title, President, Business relationship

Lee Schwartz, Attorney Partner

Ken Wimberly, Broker Partner

Key People:

Mr. Stewart Scovill, President and COO

Ms. Ardell Brandenberg, CPA, Controller

Ms. Mandy Cowin, Director of Operations

Mr. Justin McElfish, Director of Construction and Maintenance

Mr. Bradley Benson, Attorney (Outsourced)

Stephen Lukinovich, CPA, MCM CPA’s

Contact information and additional references available upon request